Monetary Giving

Each financial gift, regardless of size, is deeply appreciated.

Gifts to CCC may be made in a variety of ways.

Gifts of Cash and Checks

The simplest and most common method of supporting CCC is to contribute a cash gift. Please make checks payable to the Community Check-Up Center. The tax deduction is taken in the year the gift is made.

Corporate Matching Gifts

There are some corporations that encourage employees and their spouses to make charitable contributions, matching their gifts on a dollar-for-dollar basis. In some cases, corporations may even contribute as much as two or three dollars for every dollar given by an employee. In all cases, corporate matching gifts are credited to the donor in the amount designated by the matching gift arrangement.

Donate Online

Conveniently make a donation of any amount online with our secure online payment feature.

Make a donation


The Community Check-Up Center offers the opportunity to pledge a gift amount to be paid in installments. This option may allow you to increase your gift in our Annual Appeal.

Wills and Estates

Provisions can be made to benefit both your family and CCC. Please contact your attorney for the many options you have in giving through a will or trust to benefit CCC.


An endowment is an investment that is set up as a permanent fund for the purpose of  long-term return. The principle of the fund is not touched. Part of the earned interest is  used for the purpose of the fund, while the rest is reinvested into the principle to allow  the fund to grow.

Endowment funds can be restricted or unrestricted, designated by the person(s) who wish to establish a fund for the Benefit of CCC. To create an endowment, a minimum gift of $5,000 is required.